Subpixel multi-stereo in hyperspectral interferometric imaging


The process of acquiring interferometric hyperspectral images from airborne or satellite sensors [1,2] comprises several steps, including :

  1. Rectification of the image sequence to a common epipolar geometry to build an epipolar plane image (EPI) sequence.
  2. Decomposition of each interferometric frame into panchromatic image and fringe pattern.
  3. Multi-stereoscopic disparity estimation from the panchromatic rectified EPI sequence
  4. Interpolation of the interferometric pattern for each pixel.
  5. Reconstruction of the hyperspectral image from the interferometric patterns.


This project concerns the third step, which is a special kind of subpixel multi-steroscopic problem: The sequence of images are taken from an altitude of 2000m, they have a ground resolution of 50cm, and the translation between one frame and the next in the sequence corresponds to approximately 1 pixel, so each pixel is seen in approximately 400 different images from different angles, which gives extremely low b/h ratios (ranging from 0,1 to 0,00025).

Also, noise and aliasing levels are extremely low for this instrument, and contrast changes are almost negligible, thus providing a quasi-ideal testing ground for subpixel refinement methods as seen in lecture 5.

The objective of this project is to adapt the subpixel  refinement method seen in lecture 5 to this case. Adaptations include the generalization from stereo-pairs to multi-stereo sequences, adding a regularization term to the disparity map, and possibly reducing the size of the patches to 1, like in optical flow methods.


Andrés Almansa, Gabriele Facciolo

Bibliographic References
[1] Ferrec, Yann, Jean Taboury, Hervé Sauer, Pierre Chavel, Pierre Fournet, Christophe Coudrain, Joël Deschamps, and Jérôme Primot. 2011. “Experimental Results from an Airborne Static Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometer.” Applied Optics 50 (30): 5894–5904. doi:10.1364/AO.50.005894. [preprint]

[2] Barbanson, Clara, Andrés Almansa, Yann Ferrec, and Pascal Monasse. 2016. “Relief Computation from Images of a Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Interferogram Correction.” In Light, Energy and the Environment, FM3E.6. Washington, D.C.: OSA. doi:10.1364/FTS.2016.FM3E.6. [preprint]

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