
Satellite Imaging

  • Tupin, Florence, Jordi Inglada, and Jean-Marie Nicolas (2014). Remote Sensing Imagery. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 1118898923. (version française, Imagerie de Télédétection, disponible chez Hermes 2013.)
  • Jean-Marie Nicolas (2017), Les Bases de l’Imagerie Satellitaire, Notes de cours Telecom ParisTech. [PDF]
  • CNES, ONERA, IGN (2008), Imagerie Spatiale Des principes d’acquisition au traitement des images optiques pour l’observation de la Terre. Cepaudes. ISBN 9782854288445.

Radar Imaging

  • Florence Tupin, Jean-Marie Nicolas (2015), Les Bases de l’Imagerie Radar à Synthèse d’Ouverture, Notes de cours Telecom ParisTech. [PDF]
  • D. Massonet and J.C. Souyris. Imaging with Synthetic Aperture Radar. EPFL Press, 2008.


  • de Franchis, C., Meinhardt-Llopis E., Michel, J., Morel, J.-M., and Facciolo, G.. 2014. “On Stereo-Rectification of Pushbroom Images.” In (ICIP 2014) IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 5447–51. IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICIP.2014.7026102. [PDF]
  • de Franchis, C., Meinhardt-Llopis, E., Michel, J., Morel, J.-M., and Facciolo, G.. 2014. “An Automatic and Modular Stereo Pipeline for Pushbroom Images.” ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences II-3 (August): 49–56. doi:10.5194/isprsannals-II-3-49-2014. [PDF]
  • Facciolo, G., De Franchis, C., and Meinhardt-Llopis, E.. 2017. “Automatic 3D Reconstruction from Multi-Date Satellite Images.” In (CVPRW 2017) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2017 IEEE Conference on, 1542–51. doi:10.1109/CVPRW.2017.198. [PDF]
  • Facciolo, G., de Francis, C., and Meinhardt, E.. 2015. “MGM : A Significantly More Global Matching for Stereovision.” In (BMVC 2015), 5. doi:10.5244/C.29.90. [PDF]
  • Hirschmüller, H.. 2005. “Accurate and Efficient Stereo Processing by Semi-Global Matching and Mutual Information.” In (CVPR 2005) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Society Conference on, 2:807–14. doi:10.1109/CVPR.2005.56. [PDF]

Sub-pixel Stereo

    • Aguerrebere, Cecilia, Mauricio Delbracio, Alberto Bartesaghi, and Guillermo Sapiro. 2016. “Fundamental Limits in Multi-Image Alignment,” February. [DOI]. [PDF]
    • Rais, Martin (2016). “Fast and Accurate Image Registration. Applications to on-Board Satellite Imaging.,” PhD Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay. [PDF]
    • Sánchez Pérez, Javier, Enric Meinhardt-Llopis, and Gabriele Facciolo. 2013. “TV-L1 Optical Flow Estimation.” Image Processing On Line 3 (July): 137–50. [DOI]
    • Neus Sabater (2009), Fiabilité et précision en stéréoscopie: Application à l’imagerie aérienne et satellitaire à haute résolution, PhD thesis, CMLA, ENS Cachan, Dec. 2009. [PDF]
    • Sabater, Neus, J.-M. Morel, and Andrés Almansa. 2011. “How Accurate Can Block Matches Be in Stereo Vision?” SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 (1): 472–500. doi:10.1137/100797849. [PDF]
    • G. Blanchet, A. Buades, B. Coll, J. M. Morel, and B. Rouge (2011). Fattening Free Block Matching. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 41 (1-2) (March 3): 109–121. [DOI]. [PDF]