Category Archives: Uncategorized
From natural images to SAR images for edge detection
Context: SAR images can be acquired all time (day and night and whatever the weather) which is a real advantage for tropical areas. Nevertheless the signal is affected by speckle noise which induces strong fluctuations. Edge detection in such situations … Continue reading
Denoising of SAR image by CNN without clean images
Context: SAR images can be acquired all time (day and night and whatever the weather) which is a real advantage for tropical areas. Nevertheless the signal is affected by speckle noise which induces strong fluctuations. Project: The recent Noise2Noise framework … Continue reading
Denoising of SAR image by denoiser combination learning
Context: SAR images can be acquired all time (day and night and whatever the weather) which is a real advantage for tropical areas. Nevertheless the signal is affected by speckle noise which induces strong fluctuations. Project: Mulitple SAR denoisers have … Continue reading
Denoising of multi-temporal SAR stacks
Context: SAR images can be acquired all time (day and night and whatever the weather) which is a real advantage for tropical areas. Nevertheless the signal is affected by speckle noise which induces strong fluctuations. Nowadays thanks to new constellation, … Continue reading
Detection of hydrological networks in SAR images with U-net
Context: SAR images can be acquired all time (day and night and whatever the weather) which is a real advantage for tropical areas. Nevertheless the signal is affected by speckle noise which induces strong fluctuations. Hydrological networks usually appear as … Continue reading
Sample Project
Projects shall be announced here by mid February. Project assignments shall be announced before the end of February taking your preferred choices into account.
Exploitation de séries multi-temporelles radar par décomposition
Contexte : Les images radar ont l’avantage de pouvoir être acquises par tout temps (de jour comme de nuit et quelles que soient les conditions météorologiques). Elles présentent néanmoins un fort bruit (le bruit de speckle lié à l’imagerie cohérente). … Continue reading
Segmentation of SAR images using a non-local approach
Supervisor : Florence Tupin Email : Nombre d’étudiants : 1 SAR images are acquired by aerial or satellite sensors in all-weather and all-time conditions. Being a coherent imaging system, images are highly noisy and difficult to segment. The … Continue reading